GB/T 3181-1995 (代替82) | 漆膜颜色标准 (Colour standard for paint film) |
3977-1997 (代替83) | 颜色的表示方法 (Methods of colour specification) |
3978-94 (代替83) | 标准照明体及照明观测条件 (Standard illuminants and illuminating-viewing condition) |
3979-1997 (代替83) | 物体色的测量方法 (Methods of measuring the colour of materials) |
5177.1-93 (代替85) | 工业烷基苯色泽的测定 (Determination of colour for industrial alkylbenzene) |
6410-86 | 纺织品色牢度试验方法用仪器对贴衬织物沾色程度评级 (Textiles—Tests for colour fastness—Instrumental assessment of the degree of staining of adjacent fabrics) |
6688-86 | 染料相对强度的测定 仪器法 (Determination of relative strength of dyes (Instrumental method)) |
6689-86 | 染料色差的测定 仪器法 (Determination of colour difference of dyes (Instrumental method)) |
7771-87 | 特殊同色异谱指数的测定 改变照明体 (Measurement of special metamerism index change in illuminant) |
7921-1997 (代替87) | 均匀色空间和色差公式 (Uniform colour space and colour difference formula) |
8416-87 | 视觉信号表面色 (Surface colors for visual signalling) |
8417-87 | 灯光信号颜色 (Colors of light signals) |
8424-87 | 纺织品颜色和色差的测定方法 (Textiles-Method for the measurement of colour and colour differences) |
8425-87 | 纺织品白度的仪器评定方法 (Textiles-Method for the instrumental assessment of whiteness) |
9086-88 | 用于色度和光度测量的陶瓷标准白板 (The white ceramic standard plate for colorimetry and photometry) |
9087-88 | 用于色度和光度测量的粉体标准白板 (The white powdered standard plate for colorimetry and photometry) |
9281-88 | 色漆和清漆用漆基 加氏颜色等级评定透明液体的颜色 (Binders for paints and varnishes-Estimation of colour of clear liquids by the Gardner colour scale) |
9282-88 | 透明液体 以铂-钴等级评定颜色 (Clear liquids-Estimation of colour by the platinum-cobalt scale) |
9337-88 | 分散染料高温染色相对上色率测定方法 (Determination of relative dye-uptake of disperse dyestuffs at high temperature dyeing) |
9338-88 | 荧光增白剂的白度测定方法(仪器法) (Method of instrumental measurement of whiteness of fluorescent whitening agents) |
9340-88 | 荧光样品色的相对测量方法 (Method of relative measuring the colour of fluorescent samples) |
9984.1-88 | 工业叁聚磷酸钠 白度的测定 (The measurement of whiteness for industrial sodium tripolyphosphate (including foodstuffs)) |
9984.6-88 ISO/R 852-1968 | 工业叁聚磷酸钠 铁含量的测定 2,2′-联吡啶分光光度法 (Determination of iron content in industrial sodium tripoly–phosphate–2,2′–bipyridyl Spectrophotometric method |
9984.10-88 ISO 5375-79 | 工业叁聚磷酸钠(包括食品工业用)氮的氧化物含量的测定 3,4-二甲苯酚分光光度法 (Sodium tripolyphosphate for industrial use (including foodstuffs)—Determination of oxides of nitrogen content-3,4-Xylenol Spectrophotometric method) |
13174-91 | 衣料用洗涤剂去污力的测定 (Determination of detergency for laundry detergents) |
13176-91 | 洗衣粉白度的测定 (Measurement of whiteness for powdered detergents) |
13216.4-91 | 甘油试验方法 色泽的测定(Hazen单位 铂-钴色度) (Test methods for glycerines-Determination of color (Hazen unit—Platinum-cobalt scale) |
13784-92 | 棉花颜色试验方法 测色仪法 (Test method for colour of cotton-Colorimeter method) |
13835.7-92 | 兔毛纤维白度试验方法 (Test method for whiteness of Angora rabbit hair) |
15608-1995 | 中国颜色体系 (The Chinese color system) |
15609-1995 | 彩色电视色度测量方法 (Methods of measuring the chromaticity of colour television) |
15610-1995 | 同色异谱的目视评价方法 (Method for visual evaluation of metamerism) |
15815-1995 | 衣料洗涤剂性能比较试验 循环洗涤白棉对照布法 (Comparative test of performance for laundry detergents—Cycle of washing unsoiled cotton control cloth procedure) |
16990-1997 eqv ISO 105-A06:1995 | 纺织品 色牢度试验 颜色1/1标准深度的仪器测定 (Textiles—tests for colour fastness—Instrumental determination of 1/1 standard depth of colour) |
17644-1998 | 纺织纤维白度色度试验方法 (Test method for whiteness and chromaticity of textile fibres) |
D1535-97 | Standard Practice for Specifying Color by the Munsell System |
D1544-98 | Standard Test Method for Color of Transparent Liquids(Gardner Color Scale) |
D2244-93 | Standard Test Method for Calculation of Color Differences From Instrumentally Measured Color Coordinates |
D2616-96 | Standard Test Method for Evaluation of Visual Color Difference With a Gray Scale |
D2745-93 | Standard Test Method for Relative Tinting Strength of White Pigments by Reflectance Measurements |
D2805-96a | Standard Test Method for Hiding Power of Paints by Reflectometry |
D3022-84 (Reapproced1996) | Standard Test Method for Color and Strength of Color Pigments by Use of a Miniature Sandmill |
D3134-97 | Standard Practice for Establishing Color and Gloss Tolerances |
E284-98a | Standard Terminology of Appearance |
E308-96 | Standard Practice for Computing the Colors of Objects by Using the CIE System |
E313-96 | Standard Practice for Calculating Yellowness and Whiteness Indices from Instrumentally Measured Color Coordinates |
E430-97 | Standard Test Method for Measurement of Gloss of High-Gloss Surfaces by Goniophotometry |
E811-95 | Standard Practice for Measuring Colorimetric Characteristics of Retroreflectors Under Nighttime Conditions |
E991-98 | Standard Practice for Color Measurement of Fluorescent Specimens |
E1164-94 | Standard Practice for Obtaining Spectrophotometric Data for Object-Color Evaluation |
E1247-92 | Standard Test Method for Identifying Fluorescence in Object-Color Specimens by Spectrophotometry |
E1477-98 | Standard Test Method for Luminous Reflectance Factor of Acoustical Materials by Use of Integrating-Sphere Reflectometers |
E1478-97 | Standard Practice for Visual Color Evaluation of Transparent Sheet Materials |
E1499-97 | Standard Guide for Selection, Evaluation, and Training of Observers |
E1501-92 | Standard Specification for Nighttime Photometric Performance of Retroreflective Pedestrian Markings for Visibility Enhancement |
E1541-94 | Standard Practice for Specifying and Matching Color Using the Colorcurve System |
E1651-94 | Standard Test Method for Total Luminous Reflectance Factor by Use of 30/t Integrating-Sphere Geometry |
滨厂翱标准International Standard (ISO)
10526 CIE S 005 | CIE standard illuminants for colorimetry (Second edition 1999-06-01) |